Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is a non-invasive way to help the body heal naturally!
PEMF devices can facilitate the repair of damaged cells, stimulate neurons, reduce inflammation, and enhance the creation of new healthy cells......
PEMF helps improve circulation, speed up wound and bone healing, improve sleep quality, raise strenth, speed and stamina for athletes. It will boost your energy, accelerate recovery from training (or injury/surgery)
PEMF should not be thought of as "treating" coditions, but rather as a modality that "optimized the self-healing environment.
Advantages of PEMF:
PEMF improves sports performance, and promotes best health. It stimulates muscles, connective tissues, intestines, tendons and cartilage, the brain and peripheral nerve sites. in doing so, PEMF promotes healing and return to higher activity levels.
95% of people report less pain, better range of motion, more energy and greater sense of well-being after using PEMF; benefits can last 4 hours to 4 days as healing begins
PEMF is drug free, no side effects, it helps the body heal naturally !
The list of things PEMF can help with is to extensive to list...
*broken bone
*tendon/liagement troubles
*heat attack recovery
*auto immune diseases
The list can go on forever.! If your wondering what it can do for you no better time then NOW to reach out to me
PEMF leaves uses feeling relaxed, energized and renewed! Many of the NFL, NHL, Pro golfers, Olympians and colleges use PEMF
Reminder PEMF is not a cure, it is an aid to help the body heal naturally.... I do not diagnose, treat or cure!
PEMF Therapy and Parkinson’s PEMF can help Parkinson’s disease patients, due to how neurons and the disease work.Neurons’ role in your body is to transmit chemical and electrical signals, whether within the brain or from the brain to the muscles.All neurons in your body are electrically excitable, and need to maintain a certain healthy voltage to function properly.This dynamic is affected when you develop Parkinson’s disease.Parkinson’s disease damages the neurons and their receptors in your body, and causes them to malfunction.Neurons’ ability to communicate stops, which is why tremor and other symptoms appear.PEMF therapy helps Parkinson’s disease patients, because it works at the cellular level (including neurons), recharging cells with energy.PEMF stimulates the neurons that, due to Parkinson’s disease, may lose their potency and potentially die completely.
These are just a few things PEMF can help with.. The list can go on anwhere from a broken bone to a sunburn.
REMINDER: PEMF is NOT a cure for anything it simply aid in letting the body heal itself.
I DO NOT treat, diagnose or cure anything I simply HELP !